ghd’s commitment to the cause of fighting breast cancer continues and grows each year, as the brand find new and important ways of raising money, spreading awareness and empowering women who have experienced this disease. In the past the brand have launched tools and donated much of the funds to charity, put out hair tutorials to style wigs and hair that grows back after chemotherapy and collaborated with brands that can expand on their messaging. Their 2019 iteration, Ink on Pink, builds on these actions and may be their most unique and impactful outing yet, celebrated with the tag line ‘my tattoo, my story’.
Honouring 15 years of their pink-centric endeavours, the brand has recruited Chicago based tattoo artist David Allen, who has made it his mission to help women reclaim their identity, femininity and power after suffering breast cancer. David conceals their mastectomy scars with beautiful floral designed tattoos, made to suit each individual woman, and it’s this bold and empowering movement that informs the new ghd tool designs.
“lf you think of stylists and the time they spend with their clients – the validation that happens when you hear someone’s story, when you’re listening, when you’re present… That matters. There’s healing in that,” David said, connecting the salon experience to the journey he experiences with his clients.
David’s artistic designs are featured on the ghd gold and ghd platinum + stylers, each individually and artistically drawn by David with ghd in London. With $20 from the sale of each limited edition tool, ghd is hoping to raise $1 million globally, adding to the $15 million they have raised for the cause so far.
The brand have also chosen to work with real life hero and breast cancer survivor Grace Lombardo, a mother of three who went through a h a double mastectomy and reconstruction at the age of 35. In 2017 she trusted David to conceal her scars and turn them into true art, and now she shares her story in the name of helping other women.
“Cancer takes away more than your breasts. lt takes your hair and your confidence,” she said. “But my tattoo is something l decided to have, because l wanted to take back control.”
At a beauty event in Sydney’s Circular Quay, ghd hosted Grace and David to share their stories and incredible work in reclaiming beauty and aesthetic freedom after cancer. Under a backdrop of Sydney’s iconic view, the brand launched the new tools with black and pink styling extending from the tools, to the flowers, the décor and even the dessert.
With these beautiful new tools holding true meaning to them, and an important cause integral to their sales, let’s join ghd in their significant and continuing pink mission this year and beyond.
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