The term ‘ghosting’ couldn’t have a worse reputation, being the moniker for when the person you really like seemingly falls off the face of the planet, never to contact you again. Well, hairdressers are here to save the day again, taking the title back and making it about beautiful hair instead.
The Ghosted hair trend comes from the Instagram feed of London-based colourist Jason Hogan, comprised of hidden shades concealed in a platinum base. Think cold graphite, iridescent quartz, and oyster shades, but hidden internally in the hair’s layers, to add extra dimension and blink-and-you’ll-miss-it colour as the hair moves.
“This process was originally created out of necessity,” Jason told Allure. “I needed to give my straight-haired platinum and ice-blonde clients texture, interest, and dimension without a classic lowlight (a big no-no on those blondes) and also maintain the condition and integrity of their hair.”
It’s a trend that combines much-loved colours of the moment, like the always popular platinum overall look and more metallic hues hidden within the hair. It’s a universal look that’s actually salon relevant, and hairdressers all over the world have been creating their version, posting it and hashtagging it, with an innovative look from Kansas City based hairdresser Sarai Speer going particularly viral. The trend has also made its way to online publications such as the aforementioned Allure, Bustle and The Sun.
While the trend was formed with platinum in mind, the concept can be carried to other colours and complementary tones. Jason advises copper hair with hidden bronze aspects, as an example.
We’re all in on viral Internet trends that score you followers and are actually wearable for your clients (often a tough Venn Diagram to crack) so Ghosted hair is a win in our books. Multi-dimensional, creative and savvy colour that only a professional colourist can create is a concept we’ll always champion and, ironically, the Ghosted hair trend could make your clients’ similarly titled dating woes disappear.
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